28 April 2007


A blurry photo, but its the best we could get.
So, we fly all the way to LA to see a good old Melbourne band!! Our tour of LA wouldn't have been complete if we didn't get to see some live music. The venue was the Troubadour, apparently famous for hosting bands like the Doors. The band was Jet, some fellow Aussies, who definately know how to rock and roll.
Great gig. All the old favorites and some new tracks. To add to the night, our gracious hosts - Justin and Amity - just happen to be old time mates with Mark, the bass player, so the night ended with a few drinks back at the band's hotel after the gig.

Our lovely new Dodge Ram is now officially ours! After a 40 mile round trip for a signature, 3 failed smog tests, a new catalytic converter, numerous 'check engine' light illuminations, it's signed, sealed, delivered and ours!!

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