19 March 2007


After more than a year living on opposite sides of the country, we are finally off to explore the world. Starting with a road trip through Central America. Short visits to New York, Boston and on to Helsinki. Visiting family in Switzerland and Germany. And home through Tokyo.

We will post photos and stories from our travel adventures here for all to read and see. We hope you enjoy this virtual tour of the world guided by us. You can contact us on danieljohntodd@gmail.com or sabinafahrner@gmail.com or post a comment on this website. We would love to hear from you.


Anonymous said...

What a happy couple - and both in sexy green too!! Whoooohooo - 5 days to go til the big adventure - and you are both rubbing it in so thick I am almost too jealous already!!!

Miss Brown said...

Hey B. Just looked at all your pics. Nice! I didnt know you went to Vietnam. Rhyece and I just booked for 20 days in October - very cheap seats through Jetstar sale. You sister looked fab at her wedding - her dress was beautiful. Can't wait for more overseas pics. Travel safe. Love Kristy xoxox : )